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22 Easy Ways How to Make Your Apartment Look Modern

How to Make Your Apartment Look Modern: Over two years of pandemics and lockdowns are now more or less behind us – a time when we were in our own homes more than we would have liked.
And it’s clear that at some point, the ceiling falls on our heads, and we long for change, for something exciting and new. So a change is needed! Our boring, dormant apartment must finally get the long-awaited and long-postponed modern change – and when is a time so suitable as right now?
And the good thing is that turning the apartment into a stylish oasis of well-being is easier than you think. With these 22 simple ways, the little swing with new, fresh energy becomes a breeze.
Let’s get going!
22 Ways How to Make Your Apartment Look Modern
1. Keep it Minimalistic
We all know the famous saying “keep it simple,” – and there is some truth to it.
Especially in our apartment – where we want to feel at home and comfortable – too much is simply unnecessary ballast that stresses us (subconsciously) every day.
So the less is clearly more here.
But what are the things you shouldn’t do without?
It’s best to answer this question for yourself because you will achieve much more if you put yourself to the test.
If you really break everything down drastically, you will realize that you actually need much less than you think. And everything you can let go of and no longer need will make you a little freer and also a little more full of life.
Try it out by all means!
2. Play with Green Plants
Plants not only provide vital oxygen and thus ensure good air quality, but they are also super stylish.
The fresh vibe of a green plant brightens up any room and instantly makes it look more modern.
Win-win situation!
3. How to Make Your Apartment Look Modern: Set Black Accents
Black is a modern accent color that is eye-catching in bright rooms (especially if you use a lot of white elements).
Here you can play with everything you can get your hands on – from chairs and carpets to door frames and baseboards, as well as mirrors and sculptures.
But be careful: to create a beautiful accent look, you have to be careful not to get too lost in black elements because otherwise, your apartment will just be completely black. But this is also a nice modern look – maybe this is more for you then?
4. Get Inspired by Great Pictures Every Day
A great, exciting painting is more than just a gap filler for your wall. A beautiful picture can do so much more – for example, inspire you every day and give you new joy or motivation for what you spend most of your time doing.
Add personality and a touch of your character to your apartment with pictures that inspire you and remind you of your vision or dreams.
Also, pictures instantly enhance any space as they are attention magnets that have the potential to enchant not only you but your visitors as well.
5. How to Make Your Apartment Look Modern: Open Fireplace
Ahhh, what could be more romantic, more dreamy than an open fireplace? You’ll gladly leave your favorite Netflix for this soothing sight, won’t you?
In a modern home, this special feature should not be missing!
6. Play with Contrasts
White walls to a black floor or black walls to a white bed? Can’t, you say?
You’d be wrong: these days, these are popular and playfully simple details that architects like to incorporate into their designs because they give the room more depth and more style.
It’s an exciting combination that makes the room modern, stylish, and especially thrilling.
7. How to Make Your Apartment Look Modern: Wooden Elements
Wondering what the old-fashioned material of wood is doing in a modern, stylish apartment? Well, it’s quite simple: wood is more stylish than you might think.
As a sturdy material, it’s especially suitable for households with children, but it’s also a stylish eye-catcher for couples.
In addition, wood exudes a timeless elegance that will make any room shine – especially with other modern elements, wood really makes a statement!
8. Carpet Under Bed/Couch
A cozy accessory that will instantly make your living room and/or bedroom much cozier as well as more romantic.
But beware: there is a risk that you will never want to get up again. 😉
9. Carpets with Animal Pattern
10. Floor Length Curtains
A modern apartment, of course, can not miss long (and dark) curtains that will give your home a luxurious and glamorous look.
11. Large Futuristic Lamps
12. Futuristic Armchairs
You get bored easily? With futuristic and exciting armchairs certainly not. 😉
13. Sculptures
We all know them from the famous “that girl” that makes the rounds on Pinterest, Tiktok, and co.
But they’re really right about that: sculptures are great eye-catchers that enhance any room and instantly turn it into a luxurious feel-good oasis.
14. Large Mirrors
Large mirrors are true all-rounders – they enlarge every room and always look valuable.
If you find a large mirror with an opulent frame at a flea market, you can consider yourself quite lucky: The fancier the frame, the better!
By the way, you don’t even have to go to the trouble of hanging the colossus: If a huge mirror is leaned against the wall, it looks quite classy…
15. Stylish Side Tables
16. How to Make Your Apartment Look Modern: Colorful Details
If you dare a little color, even such details can do real wonders.
17. Different Shades of Colors Merge in the Bedding
18. Statement Armchair/Couch
19. Candles
We all know that glamorous feeling: we light a candle and snuggle up on the couch with a snack while watching our favorite series.
An indescribable feeling of self-care and luxury. All because you make the small effort to light a candle and enjoy its bright light.
It’s worth a try!
20. How to Make Your Apartment Look Modern: Golden Details
21. Books with Classy, Minimalist Covers
22. Vases & Aesthetic Glasses
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